5G takes its second wind towards the full global 5G standard, the commitment of the Verticals, and convincing demos by 5G PPP. The Winter Olympics and MWC’18 will likely see flourishing 5G trials and a number of interesting announcements.

2017 was very busy for both 5G PPP Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects. Some of the notable achievements include PoCs (Flex5Gware, Fantastic-5G, 5G-Crosshaul, 5G-Ex, Speed-5G, Coherent), METIS-II Visualisation Platform, 5G-ENSURE consultation on 5G security.

5GPPP Phase 2 projects leverage knowledge from various 5G PPP phase 1 projects including: SESAME for 5G ESSENCE, 5G-NORMA and METIS-II for 5G MoNArch, SONATA for 5G TANGO, COgNet, SELFNET and5GEx for SLICENET, Flex5GWare for MATILDA, 5G-XCast 5GCITY, 5G MEDIA and 5G TANGO,5G-ENSURE and CHARISMA for NRG-5, Superfluidity, VirtuWind, SONATA and SESAME for NGPaaS….

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Another busy year for 5G PPP projects