At EuCNC 2019 SliceNet exhibited the capabilities of cognitive network slicing management enabled by machine learning at their booth demonstrations. SliceNet’s innovative network management concept was demonstrated by Orange, DellEMC, and Eurecom in three vertical use cases – Smart Grid, Smart City, and Smart eHealth. Besides attracting numerous visitors, the SliceNet demo also attracted the EuCNC TV team.
Marius Iordache from Orange Romania was filmed while presenting the SliceNet use cases and achievements by the conference organisers.
In addition to the exhibition demonstrations, there were a number of conference papers and workshops presented and chaired by SliceNet. Slicenet’s technical manager, Qi Wang from UWS, presented a novel approach for detecting mobile DDoS attacks in 5G networks, in a session on network security. In another session, on ‘Artificial Intelligence for 5G Networks’, Salvatore Spadaro from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya presented the SliceNet approach for a ‘QoE-oriented cognition-based management system for 5G slices’.
The SliceNet team had a considerable body of work to present, including seven conference papers, a poster session, and an exhibition booth with 3 demos. For further details on what SliceNet presented in Valencia, see the overview table on SliceNet EuCNC 2019 activities.