SliceNet presented at a panel and two poster sessions at the EuCNC 2018.
Navid Nikaein, Eurecom was on a Panel called “Network Slicing: Real-world Opportunities with Open Standards and Open Source”. This panel presented the mid-term real-world opportunities for operators bringing network slicing offerings to the market as well as the feedback from the end customers. The panel discussed items that are key for the next phases of standardization as well as the road blocks that are still in place.
Last but not least, based on the experience, current momentum, and established best practices in other domains, softwarization goes hand in hand with open source used originally for simple proofs of concept and increasingly entering the carrier-grade telco-clouds. Panel info can be found at : https://www.eucnc.eu/panels-2/ with a full video of the panel discussion available on YouTube : https://youtu.be/Tm8tih26-9U.
A poster session titled “Networking, application areas, piloting and testbeds” was presented by Anastasius Gavras and Maria Barros, from Eurescom GmbH, both SliceNet project coordinators.
On the second day, at the poster session POS2, SliceNet’s Coordinator, Maria Weiss, and Technical Manager, Qi Wang, presented two posters related to the project short-papers in the conference proceedings. One of the posters, titled “SliceNet: Enabling 5G use cases for vertical businesses” like the paper, presented the project’s use-cases and their requirements. The second poster, titled “SliceNet: E2E Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management in 5G Networks”, described SliceNet’s architecture. The sessions were well attended and were an opportunity for a very vivid exchange of opinions and ideas from several poster paper presenters.