The SliceNet Smart Grid use case testbed is currently being deployed in Aveiro. The tesbed is hosted in two different sites:
- Altice Labs – in Altice Labs we have the 5G network management
- IT (Instituto de Telecomunicações) – in IT we deploy the 5G network infrastructure and the Vertical devices (IEDs).
There is a phased iterative plan for the use case testbed deployment, vertical integration and validation tests.
- Phase 1 will start with the 5G service subscription, which should provide the vertical with the necessary resources for remote engineering and monitoring and device-to-device communication.
- Phase 2 will include a network of Efacec IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) communicating with each other via IEC 61850 R-GOOSE (Routable-Generic Object Oriented Substation Events).
- Phase 3 will cover the more demanding power grid protection and self-healing algorithm simulations.
Smart Grid use case testbed at Altice Labs